Felszíni szennyvizekben megjelenő gyógyszerek és gyógyszermaradványok kimutatása csillós eukarióta modell-rendszerben
In this work the unicellular Tetrahymena pyriformis was studied for chemotaxis, phagocytosis, proliferation and chemotactic selection in the presence of different antibiotics and steroid hormones. This cell represents an ideal model as it possess several homologies to vertebrates (e.g. second messengers, insulin receptors) as well as its culturing and handling is rapid and cost-effective. Our main objective was to develop a proper and rapid test system to detect antibiotics and steroids as pollutants in wastewaters. On the basis of the above mentioned facts our aims were:
1. to develop a test system with Tetrahymena pyriformis - GL
2. to measure effects of antibiotics and steroids on cell physiological parameters of the model-cell
3. to examine which signalling pathway (long-term or short-term) is induced by the investigated pollutants in the ciliated model-cell