Egy tejelő tehenészet termelési mutatóinak, állat-egészségügyi helyzetének és gyógyszerfelhasználásának összehasonlító vizsgálata
The tasks for veterinarians in dairy farms have significantly changed in the last one or two decades. Not only do the farms need specialists with excellent skills in internal medicine, surgery and obstetrics, they also have to be professionals who have the knowledge of technological processes who can recognise and understand those financial aspects which relate to them. The compelling and unpredictable changes of world- and domestic economy impose no easy tasks for the dairy farm managers and the veterinarians.
In my essay I analysed a dairy farm with 732 cows in the south of Hungary between 2012 and 2014. The yearly costs of drugs used for treatments and prevention were compared with the following indices: number of animals, annual progeny, milk production and death rate.