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dc.contributor.authorFhima Denemark Mor
dc.description.abstractIn this paper I wanted to show the complexity of the veterinary medical profession and the potential implications that can be caused by the slightest deviation from the high expected standards. In the beginning of this paper, I presented the history and development of the veterinary services in Israel. I showed the significant changes that the Veterinary Services in Israel has gone through before and after the establishment of the State of Israel. I found that in contrast to the passive and ignorant approach that was led by the Ottoman administration regarding animal welfare and treatment during the end of the first World War, the British mandate that had replaced it started the transition to a more tolerant and professional approach, that years later will become the basis for the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and the Veterinary services. Furthermore, I presented the role of the veterinarian, not only from a moral point of view, but also as it is defined by the Israeli Veterinarian’s law, attached to obligations, responsibilities, laws and regulations that are continuously being legislated and amended, which requires veterinarian to keep being updated.en
dc.subjectÁllatorvosi praxishu
dc.subjectÁllat-egészségügyi Igazgatástani és Agrárgazdaságtani-Tanszékhu
dc.subjectVeterinarian practiceen
dc.titleVeterinary professional liability - Allegations of veterinarians in Israel

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