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dc.contributor.authorSehat, Babak
dc.description.abstractZoos present a special and precious resource for primate studies. Primate species that would mostly be hard to put in situ or would cause major field study expenses can be researched in zoos. Different kinds of pure and applied subjects that might be researched in zoos are diverse and simplify intra- and inter specific comparative researches. Furthermore, most of primates live in zoos are handled in more „naturalistic‟ environment in comparison with laboratories, which can present more meaningful outcomes for zoo projects. This study is aimed to provide an overview of the Statistical analysis of the death causes of primates in Budapest Zoo during a ten years long period of the eleven most commonly used primate genera. Data collection process was done by taking part necropsies of dead monkeys in Budapest Zoo, Checking database of results of former necropsies and literature review of the diseases found by the necropsies.en_US
dc.titleA statistical analysis of the death causes ot he primates of Budapest Zoo in a period of 10 yearsen_US

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