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dc.contributor.authorSveen, Anja
dc.description.abstractPyometra is a potentially life threatening and common disease of middle-aged to older intact bitches. Pyometra is considered to be a disease of the luteal phase, where a hormonal imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, in combination with a secondary bacterial infection is believed to be the origin behind the disease. Ovariohysterectomy is the most common treatment option for pyometra. The surgery removes the entire reproductive tract, prevents any further recurrence and leads to a rapid recovery of the disease. In order to maintain fertility or avoid the risks of surgery, the medical treatment with drugs such as prostaglandins, progesterone receptors blockers and dopamine agonists, has shown to be an effective way of treating both open and closed-cervix pyometras. My main goal with this thesis is to determine whether treating pyometra with a conservative approach is ideal, and if so, which methods provides the most useful results.en_US
dc.titleComparative efficacy in the conservative treatment of canine pyometraen_US

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