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dc.contributor.authorNorberg, Sara Anette
dc.description.abstractThere are three types of Schnauzer breeds: The Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer and the Giant Schnauzer. They share many common traits and are mostly appreciated for their intelligence, reliability and stamina. Moreover, they not only differ in their size, but also in certain behavioural traits. The Miniature and Standard Schnauzer are considered companion dogs, while the Giant Schnauzer is classified as a working dog. Overall, the Schnauzer breeds are considered healthy, but as most breeds, they also have some inherited diseases. The aim of this thesis is to obtain an overview of the todays health status of the three Schnauzer types, by focusing on different, but typical genetic diseases of the three breeds. These genetic diseases are; Progressive retinal atrophy, hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism and urolithiasis. Two breeders per Schnauzer type are interviewed to achieve updated information about the health status and the future aspects of these diseases.en_US
dc.titleHealth status of the Schnauzer dog breeds from genetic point of viewen_US

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