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dc.contributor.authorEngebretsen Vego, Ingrid-Maria
dc.description.abstractThrough the ages herbal poisonings have been of outmost importance throughout Europe, especially for the farmers. It has been the cause of great economical losses, such as in the case of Alveld caused by the Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) with its hepatotoxic abilities and the very poisonous Cowbane (Cicuta virosa) causing central nervous system signs ending in complete paralysis. These two particularly have been causing great problems in Norway (ULVUND, 1984, FRØSLIE et al. 2003). Unfortunately the knowledge of both the farmers and the veterinarians about the poisonous plants have been somewhat lacking through the years, and also the knowledge about what signs to look for. This has led to great losses and suffering for the unfortunate animals that came across the path of a poisonous plant. Therefore it is important to increase both the veterinarians and the farmer’s knowledge about the danger of poisonous plants. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to write this thesis. Because of the harsh climate and geographical variety here in Norway we have been lucky with the fact that the numbers of poisonous plants found here are less compared to the more southern parts of Europe. However herbal poisonings have been of importance in Norway. The extent of the problem varies greatly from area to area; the problem is bigger in the areas along our coastlines, while in the steep valleys further in, the poisonous plants does not pose an equal risk.en_US
dc.title“Herbal Poisonings in the region of Buskerud, Norway”en_US

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