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dc.contributor.authorÜtő, Dániel
dc.contributor.authorTakács, Noémi
dc.contributor.authorVincze, Anikó
dc.contributor.authorSzabó, Csaba
dc.contributor.authorHevesi, Tibor Ákos
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 141(3), 331-339. (2019)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY Background: A few data is available in the literature focusing on the changes of in situ measured biochemical parameters that compare differences between aqua and dry treadmill. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate how the underwater exercise modifies the changes of plasma lactate of the horse during training.Materials and Methods: Measurements were made on 4 normally trained show jumpers within a 4 days long period (1st day: warm up, 2–4th day: training, 1 week rest between the two periods). The blood samples for plasma lactate determination were collected during exercise through a permanent intravenous catheter in the jugular vein.Results and Discussion: 1. The average of the minimum values of all horses was significantly (p = 0.017) lower on aqua than on dry device but no significant dif-ference presented between the average of the maximum values (p = 0.943). The average of cumulated lactate level (T/1–T/5 samples, 2–4th day) was almost sig-nificantly lower on aqua than on dry unit (p = 0.058), but no significant difference was measured in the average of cumulated data from samples T/6–T/8. 2. The day after day cumulated data analysis did not show significant differences concerning the average of the minimum and maximum values and the average of samples T/1–T/5 on each day from 2–4th day. The average of samples T/6–T/8 was significantly (p = 0.033) higher on aqua on the 2nd day. 3. The maximum values in water were higher on the 2-3rd day and lower on the 4th day than on dry treadmill. Trends of day after day individually cumulated values from T/1–T/5: in water values were lower on each day except two days (almost equal).Differences considering the individuals were much more obvious than in cumulated analysis, especially when the evaluation of the sampling times was divided into two parts. The exercise seems to be more intensive in aquatrainer, based on the higher maximum post-training values. The appropriate temperature, the more intensive flexor-extensor exercise, the massage effect of water and increased capillary activity could be important factors to decrease the lactate level during aquatraining.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleSzáraz és mélyvizes futópadon végzett standardizált edzésmunka közben in situ mért laktátszint-változások összehasonlítása ugrólovakbanen_US
dc.title.alternativeComparison of in situmeasured plasma lactate-levels during standardised exercise in high water aquatrainer and on treadmill in show jumpersen_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 141(3), 331-339. (2019)

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