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dc.contributor.authorTőzsér, János
dc.contributor.authorKosztolányiné Szentléleki, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorVertséné Zándoki, Rita
dc.contributor.authorMezőszentgyörgyi, Dávid
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 145(6), 323-343. (2023)en_US
dc.description.abstractDue to the proven existence of climatic changes, a review on water needs of cattle is doubtlessly important. People increasingly like to be aware of the water footprint of different products. In this study, authors briefly surveyed the role of drinking water as a nutrient of cattle. Based on several international results, factors affecting water consumption of cattle – especially air and water temperatute – were presented. Water quality aspects, including calculation method of water quality index, were also discussed. Estimation (regression exuations) and instrumental measurement possibilities (digital systems) for water consumption of cattle were also presented, as well as several purification methods. As it was concluded, water is inevitably important in health status, welfare and thus, production of cattle. Professional literatures provide several data on the nutritional value of water. However, further comprehensive investigation would be worth to be carried out to collect exact information on water losses of cattle under different conditions. Effect of air and water temperature on water intake is well documented internationally, domestic research under Hungarian climate conditions could be helpful to breeders, as well as the development of a national water quality index. Digitalization can be a great support in collecting accurate data on feed and water intake of cattle under different conditions. Since clear water is not present in an unlimited amount, application and development of different purifying methods and technologies is of great importance, as well as inventing new possibilities for it.en_US
dc.titleA szarvasmarhák vízigényének értékelése - Irodalmi összefoglalóen_US
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of water requirements of cattle - Literature reviewen_US

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