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dc.contributor.authorDoody, Mary
dc.description.abstractFeline osteochondromatosis, also known as “multiple cartilaginous exostoses, diaphysial aclasia, hereditary deforming chondrodysplasia, dyschondrodysplasia, hereditary multiple exostoses, osteogenic disease, chondroma, osteochondroma, enchondromatosis and hereditary enchondromatosis” is a disorder of the skeletal system, mainly during the development of endochondral bones when there is abnormal development of bones preformed in cartilage. [1] If the disease is exclusively involving one bone, it is monostotic, so the term chondroma can be used. If it involves multiple bones then it is polyostotic, and so the term osteochondromatosis or multiple cartilage exostoses is used more frequently.[2] Feline osteochondromatosis is responsible for approximately 1/5 of all primary bone tumours in cats with no breed or sex predilection or no hereditary pattern and is typically diagnosed in young cats aged 2-4 years.en_US
dc.titleFeline Osteochondromatosis, a Case Based Literature Reviewen_US

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