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dc.contributor.authorTellevik, Pia Elin
dc.description.abstractThere is a broad aspect of infectious and non-infectious causes that induce pregnancy disorders and problems for newly born puppies. There is an infinite line of possibilities in both categories, though, throughout this review the most common causes will be mentioned. The infectious causes range from bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses. Understanding their pathogenicity and epidemiology will further broaden our knowledge about the disease helping us to create better guidelines for treatment, management and preventative measures. Non-infectious causes (endocrine, nutritional deficiencies, trauma, drugs, congenital and genetic disorders, etc.) are individually evaluated for the prognosis and possible impact on future pregnancies.en_US
dc.titleInfectious and non-infectious causes of pregnancy losses in bitchesen_US
dc.title.alternativeFertőző és nem fertőző oktanú vemhességi veszteségek szukákbanen_US

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