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dc.contributor.authorN. Dahl, Tuva Regine
dc.description.abstractThere have during the later years been done more research on the use of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) as a diagnostic tool in dogs and cats, of both female and male. There are still many uses of AMH that is not confirmed, but they are showing promising results in the few studies done. More research needs to be done about the use of AMH to confirm the results in many of the studies. The aim of this paper is to get an overview in the usefulness of AMH concentration as a diagnostic marker in small animal medicine. It has shown to be a helpful marker in different clinical disorders and may be used more frequently in small animal clinics as a potential marker for diseases related to gonadal disorders.en_US
dc.titleClinical Relevance of Anti-Müllerian Hormone evaluation in small animal practiceen_US

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