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dc.contributor.authorLakatos, Gyula
dc.contributor.authorVass, Nóra
dc.contributor.authorVincze, Boglárka Nóra
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 145(7), 395-402. (2023)en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Several studies mark that some vitamins, such as ß-carotene, vitamine E, and other macroelements (e.g. selenium) and specific types of minerals can improve the reproductive performance of ewes during the mating period. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to find out, whether three different feed additives have different effect on the time distribution of registered mating events, the overall number of registered mating events, and the pregnancy rate Materials and methods: The study was conducted in a BMC-breed sheep farm in Hungary. Three groups of ewes were used. In the first group we administered ß-carotene and solution containing metil-metionin, in the second group licking bowl containing ß-carotene and minerals, in the third group licking bucket containing humic-acid. Mating events were recorded by observing the gluteal region of the ewes regularly. Ultrasound pregnancy test was carried out 51 days after rams were removed from the groups. Results and discussion: There were significant differences in the distribution of registered mating events (p < 0.0001) and the pregnancy rates as well (p < 0.01) between the three groups. The difference in the total number of ewes mated showed a tendency between the three groups but it was not significant (p = 0 19). In conclusion, choosing the commercial feed additive that has the most positive effect in the flock can further improve the reproductive efficiency of the ewes.en_US
dc.titleKülönböző takarmánykiegészítők juhok szaporodásbiológiai teljesítményére gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata a téli háremidőszak alatten_US
dc.title.alternativeThe effects of three different commercial feed additives on the reproductive performance of sheep during the winter mating perioden_US

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