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dc.contributor.authorKaminaris, Alexandros
dc.description.abstractCanine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is one of the most prevalent orthopedic diseases in dogs. Even though it's presence has been know for almost a century, the cure - or better it's elimination - is still a problem to the veterinarians society. Several techniques have been developed through the years in an effort to isolate the root of the cause. Due to the nature of this disease though, it's complete diminishing has failed to take place.Strict control methods have been raised but still the major problem lies in the methods of detection and proper diagnosis. Presently, diagnostic methods have relied on detecting it longafter it has developed leaving no chance of preventive actions but only for future breeding measurements. We took a look on the three most common scoring methods used in the Western societies (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals – OFA, Fédération Cynologique International – FCI and British Veterinary Association / Kennel Club – BVA), in order to observe the approach veterinarians have made so far and compared them tothat of the PennHIP® technique. The main difference between those two groups is that the existing techniques so far base their judgments on already existing radiographic signs, rather than setting prognosis based on young animal's X-rays. The PennHIP® -model claims to set criteria that could be used prophylactic against CHD. Aside to that, there weresignificant differences in between those evaluating systems; different criteria, different scoring, different strictness on their evaluations and in general differences that have a direct correlation with subjectivity of the observer. PennHIP® has tried to eliminate through its' technique the factor of personal intervention and find a more of an objective way of evaluation.en
dc.subjectCsípőizületi diszpláziahu
dc.subjectKépalkotó diagnosztikai vizsgáló módszerekhu
dc.subjectGerics Balázs (supervisor)hu
dc.subjectHip dysplasiaen
dc.subjectImaging diagnostic methodsen
dc.titleCanine hip displasia: PennHip compared to OFA, FCI and BVA/CKen

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