Business plan for a small animal clinic in Israel
My thesis topic, a business plan for opening a clinic in Tel-Aviv, has showed me what
a vet must do in order to open a clinic. I began my thesis with finding the location for
the clinic and decided it would be in the neighborhood of Ramat-Aviv. Then I
surveyed how many clinics there are and found 9 other clinics. I then conducted a
market survey by contemplating 2 different questionnaires, one for veterinarians and
the other for pet owners. I received 15 filled questionnaires from vets and 53 from pet
owners. These questionnaires gave me invaluable insight into the different marketing
and management strategies a clinic may use in order to gain and keep clients. The
veterinarian’s questionnaire showed me that clinics should push their websites and
Facebook pages much more, since these are very powerful marketing tools, especially
Facebook, being so popular in Israel. One of the more important factors surveyed was
the parking availability. The majority of clients arrive with a car despite the fact that
in Israel it is allowed to travel with a pet on public transport. This means that a clinic
must have available parking spots which all of the 15 clinics had.