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dc.contributor.authorRøren, Malin
dc.description.abstractDuring my time as a student I come across many interesting cases but this one case about the salmon lice problem in Norway I couldn’t let go. The reason it became so interesting was because when I first heard about this problem, I did not realize how big Norway was in exporting salmon. Later after reading different articles and talking to different fish biologist about the subject, I found it more and more interesting and now I want to become a fish veterinarian who works directly with this problem. There have been many different solutions to the problem but it is still not perfect because of development of resistance against the chemotherapautics used. I hope that I can joint this battle in the future and maybe make a difference.en_US
dc.titleDelousing methods and the resistance to chemotherapeutants in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in Norwayen_US

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