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dc.contributor.authorConway, Kieran Declan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research was to prove that the presence of antibiotics in milk, in this case Neomycin and Tetracycline, would cause a disturbance and failure of the production of the soft cheese. This study was performed by producing soft cheese without antibiotics in one trial and then it was compared to the trials which contained antibiotics in different amounts. We were able to show that soft cheese can be produced if it contains no antibiotics and then in the trials with antibiotics we could see the disturbance in the soft cheese production. We artificially spiked raw milk with different levels of antibiotics and then used this milk as the source of our trials. The antibiotics were measured using the Shimadzu LCMS-8030 liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometry system which was easily able to measure the milk and whey. The soft cheese was homogenised using a 1:1 ratio of acetonitrile:methanol solution and then it was measured using the same apparatus as the whey and milk.en_US
dc.titleAn investigation on the effect of antibiotic residues in bovine milk on cheese making processen_US

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