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dc.contributor.authorKádár, Róbert
dc.contributor.authorDrégelyi, Zoltán
dc.contributor.authorSzedenik, Ádám
dc.contributor.authorEgri, Borisz
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 141(10), 579-588. (2019)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY The authors present the possible measurement of stress factors in horse in this paper. The scientific efforts discovered the significance and the role of hypo-thalamus–pituitary-adrenal gland axle in relations with stress. We are familiar with the system and function of stress hormones, like ACTH, cortisol, adren-alin. Based on researches with horses actively involved in sports (show jump-ing, dressage and three-day events) it is established that the level of cortisol in saliva and blood as well as the analysis of change in heart rate variability can be important information for determining the stress condition of the horse and the rider. Significant relationship has been established between the level of cortisol in salvia of horse and the result as well as the level of cortisol in salvia of rider and the result. It is not only the physiological parameters of horses that change parallel to the stress situation, but the behaviour of the horse also responds to the stress. It is useful to be aware of the complete portfolio of stereotype behaviour pattern of horses both for everyday life, veterinary practice and ani-mal welfare. It is also important to continuously watch, monitor and record the behaviour of horse, especially when the horse is taken from its natural environ-ment, kept in stable and forced to work hard. It is true that 2D and 3D technology is heading way in equestrian industry to analyse locomotion and the behaviour of the horse, however, these tools are rather applied to investigate the dyna-mism of locomotion of the horse, than the effect of stress on horse.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleA stressz-hatások, valamint a kényszeres magatartásminták előfordulása és vizsgálatának lehetőségei sportlovakon - Irodalmi összefoglaló és saját alapkutatásoken_US
dc.title.alternativeStress effects and occurrence of compulsive behaviour and its possible investigation in sport horses - Literature review and own basic researchen_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 141(10), 579-588. (2019)

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