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dc.contributor.authorHorváth, András
dc.contributor.authorLénárt, Melinda
dc.contributor.authorFüleki, Zsolt
dc.contributor.authorLénárt, Lea
dc.contributor.authorLang, Zsolt
dc.contributor.authorSzenci, Ottó
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 139(4), 195-201. (2017)en_US
dc.description.abstractSummary Background: The number of artificial insemination (AI) doses which can be obtained from an ejaculate of a single boar have major economic implications in porcine AI centres. This needs a quick and an acceptable precise concentration measurements which could be performed with different methods. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy and calibration possibility of a colorimeter – which is a most commonly used method at the AI centre’s – to two laboratory concentration assessments as “gold standards” [Makler counting chamber and Computer Assisted Sperm Analizer (CASA)]. Materials and Methods: 349 ejaculates were involved in this study collected from 84 boars. Concentration were measured by means of colorimeter and Makler chamber (n = 170) or CASA (n = 179). Results and Discussion: The recent colorimeter concentration measurement used a linear algorithm which was previously set up with small number of samples (n = 15) having narrow absorbances (ABS). This calculation form suggested negative or very low dilution ratio in 5% of the ejaculates but these results were not acceptable for practice. These miscalculations were avoidable if the calibrations were done with large number of samples with brighter ABS but the correlation between concentration and ABS was more exponential than linear by both methods. The colorimeter concentrations calibrated by CASA were consistently with 26% higher (p < 0.05) than by Makler. Furthermore, the higher were the ABS the differences between concentration calculated by colorimeter and measured by CASA or by Makler became larger. There was a tendency toward over- and underestimation – especially with very high ABS – in concentrations calculated by the colorimeteren_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleA sertésondó sejtkoncentrációjának mérésére alkalmazott koloriméter kalibrálásával kapcsolatos tapasztalatoken_US
dc.title.alternativeExperiences with the calibration of colorimeter used for boar semen concentration assessmenten_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 139(4), 195-201. (2017)

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