Egyszeri adagolású szeknidazolkezelés hatékonysága Giardia duodenalis fertőzés esetén kutyákban
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine whether secnidazole
administered at a single dose of 30 mg/kg, orally, decreases or eliminates Giar dia cyst shedding, and to validate the benefit of secnidazole treatment on clini cal signs and faecal scoring in dogs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 12 dogs, from various breed, age and of
both sexes were involved. The diagnosis was based on the detection of tropho zoites and/or cysts via faecal flotation among dogs naturally infected with Giar dia sp., and also by use of rapid diagnostic test kits. Cyst count per gram faeces
(days 0., 3., 7. and 10) and faecal scores were analyzed among groups. Two groups
of dogs, the secnidazole group (n:6) and the control group (n:6) were enrolled. In
dogs involved in treatment group secnidazole was administered at a single dos age of 30 mg/kg orally on day 0, whereas control group received placebo.
Results: On days 3., 7., and 10. there was significant (P<0.01) reduction in cyst
shedding; whereas evaluation of mean geometric cyst shedding revealed 100%
reduction. Evaluation of faecal scores on daily basis revealed that feces of dogs
in treatment group after day 3 were appearently close to normal score as 3.
Conclusion: As a result of this study, secnidazole at a single dose might be
practically applicable, reasonably priced, safe, and effective drug for therapy of
dogs with giardiasis.