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dc.contributor.authorCsászár, Júlia Judit
dc.contributor.authorNémeth, Tibor
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 138(8),463-470. (2016)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY Brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome, BAOS, is a frequent and character istic respiratory disease affecting brachycephalic breeds. In the present paper the authors review the complex aetiology of BAOS, which consists of congenital primary anatomical deformations due to forced breeding selection processes (stenotic nares, elongated and thick soft palate, macroglossia, abnormal naso pharyngeal turbinates and tracheal hypoplasia) and consecutive secondary changes (aedematous infiltration of laryngeal and pharyngeal areas, laryngeal collapse, tonsillar enlargement). The authors describe different deformations by anatomical regions. Following a short review of the gastrointestinal lesions that often accompany the specific respiratory condition associated with BAOS the authors give a full description of the possible diagnostic methods. Regard ing the progressive nature of the disease and the limitations of conservative therapy, early and complex surgical correction of the operable lesions is strongly advised in these patients.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleBrachycephal légúti obstrukciós szindróma I. Kóroktan, kórfejlődés és kórjelzésen_US
dc.title.alternativeBrachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome I. Aetiology, pathogenesis and diagnosisen_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 138(8),463-470.(2016)

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