Antibakteriális szerek használata a társállatgyógyászatban II. - Aminoglikozidok, Tetraciklinek, Makrolidok, Linkózamidok, Fenikolok, Polipeptidek, Nitroimidazolok, Potenciált szulfonamidok, Fluorokinolonok - Irodalmi összefoglaló
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Roszkos, Zsanett
Veres, Adrienn Mercédesz
Karancsi, Zita
Jerzsele, Ákos
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
The usage of antibiotics to treat and prevent bacterial infections in small animals is highly important in the clinical practice. As the use of antibiotics has
become widespread, veterinarians play a significant role and have an outstanding responsibility in spreading resistance amongst bacteria strains and preventing its emergence, as well. To preserve the efficacy of antibiotics in the future,
the usage of antibiotics should be based on the site and the causative agent
of the infection. The clarification of principles for empirical choice of medicines
- beside the importance of the susceptibility test - can help the decision. The
authors summarize the pharmacological aspects of antibiotics that are used in
the small animal practice, detailing their pharmacokinetics, indications, side-effects and their dosage.