Régi és új fogalmak a gerinc elváltozások vizsgálatában: spondylosis deformans és diffúz idiopatikus szkeletális hyperostosis (DISH)
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Turgyán, Ágnes
Lőrincz, Borbála
Carina, Strohmayer
Sibylle, Kneissl
Bajzik, Gábor
Repa, Imre
Garamvölgyi, Rita
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Background: Spondylosis deformans (SD) and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyper ostosis (DISH) are common but mainly incidental findings in spinal radiography,
because most dogs are asymptomatic. SD is most likely an age-related vertebral
and paravertebral degeneration, DISH is a diffuse ossifying process of young,
mainly large breed dogs and cats, potentially followed by the adjacent interver tebral disc extrusion or protrusion. This phenomenon called adjacent segment
disease or degeneration (ASD).
Materials and Methods: The aim of the study was to analyse as a retrospec tive survey MRI records of 27 dogs in the Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and
Radiation Oncology of the University of Kaposvár. Subjects for the investigations
were Boxers and German Shepherds, which are the mostly predisposed breeds
to the observed diseases (SD, DISH) according to the literature. The scope of
the study was to evaluate the gender-related prevalence of the diseases in the
breeds mentioned above and to distinguish the two different pathological fea tures according to the MR images using the criteria established by the literature.
Results and Discussion: According to the statistical evaluations the authors
recognized, that the probability of spinal deformations inspected increases
exponentially by the age, however no significant difference can be recognised
in the probability of occurrence in different genders. To distinguish the SD and
DISH could be a challenging diagnostic procedure. With the use of advanced
imaging modalities such as MR, the recognition of the cases will become more
frequent. It is also recommended to use the Resnick criteria to improve the
diagnostic accuracy.