Elsődleges légcső-lymphoma esete macskában Patológiai esetbemutatás
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Jakab, Csaba
Gyulai-Nagy, Bulcsú István
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Background: Feline tracheal tumours are infrequently reported. In veterinary litera ture only a few case reports are published: tracheal squamous cell carcinoma, -lym phoma, -adenocarcinoma, and tracheobronchial neuroendocrine carcinoma in cats.
Objectives: The authors reported a pathological case of primary extranodal tra cheal lymphoma in an 11-year-old castrated male European shorthair cat carcass.
Materials and Methods: After macroscopic investigation, the tracheal tissue
samples were separated and conserved in 8% formalin for 24 hours at room tem perature, embedded in paraffin wax and further processed for sectioning (3-4 µm)
and immunohistochemistry (antibodies: anti-vimentin, -smooth muscle actin
(α-SMA), - CD79a, - Ki-67, and - claudin-5).
Results and Discussion: The malignant tumour developed at the middle part of
the trachea. It was irregular spherical shape, greyish-white, moderately firm, with
uneven surface, and 2,5 × 3 cm in diameters. The tumour wrapped around the tra chea, destroyed the cartilages, and protruded into the lumen, causing obturation.
Hematoxylin and eosin-stained histologic preparations presented a monomor phic, diffuse (non-follicular) proliferation of the small-sized neoplastic lymphoid
cells., with moderate tumour-induced neovascularisation. The mitotic index of
this tumour was 3–4 mitotic figures/high power magnification. The tumour cells,
showed diffuse intense cytoplasmic vimentin-positivity, diffuse intense CD3-
membrane-positivity, α-SMA-, claudin-5- and CD79a-negativities. The Ki-67-la belling index was 34–35%. The definitive diagnosis was primary T-cell tracheal
lymphoma. It is the first description of the feline primary tracheal lymphoma in
the Hungarian veterinary literature.