Szubklinikai ketosis kezelése tejhasznú szarvasmarhákban cianokobalamin és butafoszfán (Catosal®) tartalmú készítménnyel
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Szelényi, Zoltán
Buják, Dávid
Nagy, Krisztina
Boldizsár, Szabolcs
Keresztesi, Zoltán
Szakállas, Erik
Szenci, Ottó
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Subclinical ketosis or hyperketonaemia of the dairy cow is a disease originating
from the high milk yield and causing primarily economic loss. Measuring
beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration in the blood at cow side provides sufficient
amount of information about the incidence of the disease. Our study involved
444 animals in 5 Hungarian dairy farms. After diagnosing subclinical ketosis
(BHB > 1 mmol/l) the animals were treated daily 20 ml of butafosfan/cianocobalamin
(Catosal®) im. for 3 consecutive days. The non-treated group received
no other treatment beside the treatment of the primary disease. BHB was
measured at calving time (Days 0–3), and 10 and 18 days after calving. BHB
decreased continuously along the measurement points in both groups. However,
the average BHB level of the treated group decreased below the threshold
level already on 10th day after calving. Comparing clinical diseases after calving,
some selected production and reproductive diseases no significant differences
were found, but the service period and culling rate after 200 DIM was better in
the treated group. Based on these results better production could be reached
using this vitamin combination. To classify the differences in the results more
detailed examinations with larger number of animals are required.