A kutya térdízületének anatómiája és biomechanikai alapjai - 1. rész: anatómiai áttekintés
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Szalay, Ferenc
Zólyomi, Dorottya
Ipolyi, Tamás
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
The stifle joint is one of the most frequently operated joints in the small animal
orthopeadics. In contrast to the small number of bony components the anatomy
of the stifle is complicated. The article describes the anatomical classification
of the stifle, its ligaments, the synovial compartments, relationship and connection
of anatomical components, along with the origins and insertions of the
ligaments are described in the first part. The second part will focus on functional
and biomechanical considerations. It will discuss the action of the anatomical
features in the stifle by phases of movements is discussed. The goal of the
paper is to provide a better understanding of the mechanism of injuries in the
stifle joint.