Rhodococcus equi okozta tályogképződés és vérfertőzés macskában - Esetismertetés
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Szeredi, Levente
Rónai, Zsuzsanna
Bende, Balázs
Vrabély, Tamás
Sík, Nikolett
Bálint, Ádám
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
The authors report a case of Rhodococcus equi induced disease in a 3.5 month
old female Birman cat. The animal showed severe respiratory symptoms few
days after the purchase. On the gross pathological examination two abscesses
with a diameter of 2 cm and without a wall were found in the mediastinum and
in the right caudal lung lobe. The peribronchiolar lymph nodes and the liver
were enlarged, and several greyish-white foci with a diameter of 1-2 mm were
evident in the liver. With histological examination neutrophilic granulocytes and
large number of macrophages were present in the abscesses. Pyogranulomatous
inflammation was observed in spleen, peribronchiolar lymph nodes, and
the lungs, and foci of necrotic inflammation were found in the liver. Gram positive
cocci were detected in the abscesses, peribronchiolar lymph nodes, spleen,
lungs and liver, which proved to be VapA negative R. equi, using immunohystochemistry.
High number of R. equi colonies was cultured from spleen and liver,
and the strain was identified as intermediately virulent with PCR method. Feline
panleucopenia, feline leucosis and feline immunodeficiency viruses were not
found. To the author’s knowledge this is the first case to detect intermediately
virulent R. equi in an affected cat. This is also the first case that R. equi induced
disease was found in a species other than horse in Hungary.