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dc.contributor.authorSkaar, Nora
dc.description.abstractAggressive behavior is a concerning behavior found in dogs, which is problematic for both the dog and humans involved. This thesis research what aggressive behavior in dogs is, and how health, age, gender, neutered status, breed, genetics and environment factors influence a dog’s behavior. As well as looking at the communication of dogs. It also looks at how both personality and psychological status of the keeper influence the behavior of the dog. The current study investigated the psychological effect dog attacks can have on children and adults, and how the relationship between dogs and humans are affected. While also looking at the consequences a dog can experience after attacking someone.en_US
dc.titleAggressive Behavior in Dogs and its Consequences for the Human-Animal Relationshipen_US
dc.title.alternativeAgresszív kutyák és az agresszív viselkedés hatásai az ember-állat kapcsolatraen_US

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