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dc.contributor.authorGrainger, Rebecca Anne
dc.description.abstractArtificial insemination (AI) is used globally throughout the swine industry, at present the most used method is with liquid semen, which has very successful results. In recent years, the cryopreservation of swine semen has been researched due to its success in species like cattle. Cryopreservation has many benefits including gene preservation and for use in emergency situations. However due to the poor survival of boar sperm post freezing and thawing it is not used widely throughout the industry. Its use in the in vitro gene preservation of the endangered Mangalica pig breed shows promise and should be considered as a viable option for saving the breed in the future- once further investigations have been completed to further improve the viability of sperm post cryopreservation.en_US
dc.titleDeep Freezing of Mangalica Boar Semenen_US
dc.title.alternativeMangalica Kan Ondójának Mélyfagyasztásaen_US

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