A tojásbakterióta és a csirke bélbakteriótájának kapcsolata az újgenerációs szekvenálási eljárások fényében Irodalmi összefoglalA tojásbakterióta és a csirke bélbakteriótájának kapcsolata az újgenerációs szekvenálási eljárások fényében - Irodalmi összefoglal
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Csitári, Gábor
Pál, László
Farkas, Valéria
Such, Nikoletta
Dublecz, Károly
DOI link
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
In the last decade, due to the new generation sequencing (NGS) techniques,
there has been a huge improvement in the investigation of the external and
internal bacteriota of eggs. At the same time, serious progress was made in the
understanding of the composition of the bacterial community living in the intestinal tract of the chicken and its role in the life of the host animal. At higher
taxonomic levels (phylum, class), the typical bacterial communities of the egg
and the different parts of the intestinal tract is already well known. Firmicutes,
Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria are the most dominant phyla in
both the egg and in the gut. At lower taxonomic levels (genus, species), the observed differences between the bacterial communities can be better explained.
We have more detailed knowledge about the bacterial interactions between laying
hens and chicks, as well as the spreading routes of prokaryotic microorganisms.
During the experimental investigations of the spread and transmission routes
of prokaryotic microorganisms, in addition to the known horizontal routes (from
the environment, feed, drinking water), the vertical transmission (from laying hen
to egg) was also better characterized. The bacteria of the reproductive organs
of the hen gave new results about the potential vertical transmission routes of
bacteriota. The more thorough scientific knowledge about the different bacterial
communities and their interactions makes it possible to use probiotics in the
broiler husbandry more effectively.