‘The Occurrence of Twin Pregnancies After Using an Intravaginal Progesterone Device in a Hungarian Dairy Herd.’
In this study, the rate of twin pregnancies amongst 2623 freshly calved cows on a Holstein
Friesian dairy farm in Western Hungary was surveyed. Cows on all 3 farms were subjected to
a DOS protocol, those found open at pregnancy diagnosis received PRID sync protocol. The
overall twinning rate on these farms was 1.9% according to BoviSync data which is lower than
twinning rates of 3 to 5% previously recorded in literature [11]. This suggests that the
implementation of estrus synchronisation protocols such as DOS and PRID sync aids in
minimising twinning rates amongst dairy cows. This study also compared the rate of twinning
using DOS versus PRID sync protocol.