Az állampolgárok állatvédelemmel kapcsolatos jogszabályi ismereteinek kérdőíves felmérése
During my work at The Veterinary Administration and Agricultural Economics
Department, I examined how much familiar Hungarian people are with the legislation
regarding protection of animals, and whether the farmers are aware of their legal obligations,
or not. The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey, anonymously. Responses
of 441 completed questionnaires were processed and evaluated according to the rules of
market research. 61.1% of the fillers were 20-40 years old, slightly more than a quarter
(25.5%) were 40-60 years old, while 8.6% were underthe age of 20 and 4.8% belonged to the
age group above 60 years. Specific activities related to animal welfare were admitted in
24.3% of cases. Our survey revealed that farmers are very often false informed regarding the
animal protection laws and the percent of them giving a bad answer ranged between 25 and
75%, but there was a question to which 80% of them gave the wrong answer.