HuVetA Hungarian VeterinaryArchive is the repository of the University of Veterinry medicine Budapest. Its aim is to collect, organize, store, make searchable and accessible the documents of Hungarian veterinary science and history, thus building an electronic knowledgebase.
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Noctua 28. évf. 3. szám (2024)
(2024-08) -
Noctua 28. évf. 2. szám (2024)
(2024-05) -
Az ebrendészeti telepek működtetésének állatvédelmi vonatkozásai
(2024-11)Background: In the research we investigated the current operation methods of dog and cat pounds in Hungary, looked into the relevant legislations and examined how much and in what ways these legislations can be complied ... -
Állatorvosi hivatás az állattartó szerint
(2024-11)Background: One of the major stressors for veterinarians is animal owners and communication with them. However, we can reduce this stress factor by knowing what to expect from pet owners and how to deal with potential ... -
A közepes szénláncú zsírsavak és trigliceridek élettani hatásai, valamint lehetséges felhasználásuk a baromfi- és sertéstakarmányozásban : Irodalmi összefoglaló
(2024-11)The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), having 6-12 carbon atoms (caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid) are esterified to a glycerol backbone forming the medium-chain-triglycerides (MCT). Coconut oil, ...