• Overview of genetic disorders in sheep 

      Leirdal Inger Synnov (2016)
      There are a lot of different disorders that can be found in sheep, some more common than others. In Norway these disorders has been described in literature as common disorders: - Spider Lamb Syndrome (SLS) - Cryptorchidism ...
    • The border collie in today's respect in Germany 

      Zipse Julia (2016)
      An online survey by means of a questionnaire was carried out among Border Collie owners between August 8th and December 16th, 2015, to gain insight into the acquisition, keeping, socialization, education / training, ...
    • The first two years of the GÁT system 

      Moore Lorna (2016)
      This thesis is focused on the GÁT system of the Genetics and Breeding department. The GÁT system is a computer based multiple choice exam used to test the students practical knowledge. Students are graded from 1-5. After ...
    • The latest trends in new breed formation and "crossbreeding" of dogs 

      Wollring Sophie (2016)
      Since the domestication of dogs they have undergone genetic changes. The first selection was based on their abilities. Dogs that had strong powerful hind legs were used for races in the desert, the obedient and herding ...