Now showing items 1-10 of 32
Heat stress impact on the dairy cattle fertility
The increase of the ambient temperature has a negative effect; it is altering the
physiology of the reproductive system of the cow including the oocyte, granulose and the
theca cell, the developing embryo during the early ...
Postpartum anoestrus in dairy cows
Fertility in dairy cows has declined due to the increased milk yield although
veterinary medicine has been improved throughout ages. In order to be able to detect
fertility problems, the normal oestrus cycle of cattle ...
Oestrus synchronisation in dairy cattle with GnRH and prostaglandin drugs
The objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of the various methods of oestrus synchronisation in dairy cattle using PGF2a and/or GnRH-based treatment protocols and explore both their positive and negative impact ...
Evaluation of the heterosis in a dairy grading-up breeding system
Production of beef and milk is increasingly becoming an important economic sector because of the greater interest and need for these products. Therefore the selection is aimed to create early maturing and productive animals.
The relationship of minerals and electrolytes with health, and fertility at the early lactation in dairy cows fed anionic salts during close-up period
One hundred Holstein dairy cows in transition period were enrolled in our study between -21 to -14 day before calving (close-up) which were fed by commercial anionic salts supplements. After enrollment, the animals were ...
IBR mentesítés a Szarvasi Agrota-Alcsired Tejtermelő Kft. tehenészeti telepén
The improvement of animal health status of cattle herds has also got into the centre of attention internationally. The reason of this inter alia is that the majority of European countries have started eradication programs ...
Néhány szaporodásbiológiai paraméter kapcsolata az ellés körüli anyagforgalommal egy nagy tejtermelésű tehenészetben
The authors have monitored and evaulated the periparturient period of 60 dairy cattle in a hungarian Holstein friesian dairy farm between September and October 2014. 60 animals were monitored from day 5 before the expected ...
Embrionális és magzati veszteségek alakulása egyes környezeti tényezők függvényében egy intenzív tehelő szarvasmarha állományban
The aim of this study was to find out correspondences between biometeorological
factors and embryonic or fetal losses. We collected data from RISKA herd management
computer system in the period of 01.01.2010- 12.31.2014. ...
Egy tejelő tehenészet termelési mutatóinak, állat-egészségügyi helyzetének és gyógyszerfelhasználásának összehasonlító vizsgálata
The tasks for veterinarians in dairy farms have significantly changed in the last one or two decades. Not only do the farms need specialists with excellent skills in internal medicine, surgery and obstetrics, they also ...
A tőgyegészségügyi mutatók alakulása az eltérő istállóhigiéniai módszerek alkalmazásakor
Between Dec 2012 and March 2013 the Lajoskomáromi Tejtermelő Kft. has changed the concrete floor of the resting area in its Holstein-Frisian dairy herd of 550 cows to a so called dolomite duvet cover, a mixture of chopped ...