Browsing Doktori Iskola / Doctoral (Phd) School by Subject "Tejelő tehén"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Growth hormone genotype (AluI polymorphism), metabolic and endocrine changes, and the resumption of ovarian cyclicity in postpartum dairy cows
(2008)An orchestrated system of various metabolic and endocrine changes characterizes the transition from the dry period to lactation in dairy cows. Growth hormone, through its crucial role in galactopoiesis and thus in the ... -
Investigations on pregnancy-associated glicoprotein in the Cow
(2012)Glycoproteins expressed in the ruminant placenta have been isolated and characterized during the last two decades: PSPB (Butler et al., 1982); PAG (bPAG1, PAG I67, bovPAG 1) (the number in the subscript refers to molecular ... -
Role of insulin in the development of metabolic and reproductive malfunctions of periparturient dairy cows
(2009)In dairy cows selected for high milk production theperiparturient insulin resistance (IR) may play a pivotal role both in adaptation to the energy demands of milk synthesis and in the pathogenesis of some metabolic ... -
Tejhasznú tehenek egészségi állapotát, szaporodási teljesítményét és tejtermelését befolyásoló kockázati tényezők vizsgálata az ellés körüli időszakban
(2008)Az értekezés tejhasznú teheneken végzett, két vizsgálat eredményeit mutatja be. Az első vizsgálatban arra kerestünk választ, hogy az ellés körül a vérplazma nem észterifikált zsírsav- (NEFA) koncentrációjával jellemzett ... -
Use of fibrolytic enzymes produced by the fungus Thermomyces lanuginosus in ruminant nutrition
(2006)A strain of Thermomyces lanuginosus NCAIM 001288 was used to produce an enzyme preparation. The obtained product (RuminoZyme) contains thermally resistant endo1,4betaxylanase with 250 FXU/g activity. Investigations focused ...