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dc.contributor.authorJentschura, Felicitas Aline Carolyn
dc.description.abstractThe thesis ‘Cause of the death of the golden hamster’ outlines the pathological changes caused by infectious and non-infectious diseases. At the Department of Pathology, at the Szent István University, Budapest, all the data’s regarding aetiology, anamnesis, clinical signs and necropsy findings have been collected from 1993-2001. The used pathological examination methods followed the guidelines, described in the dissection book of the Department of Pathology at the Szent István University, Budapest. In order to compare the findings to the literature, it was attempted to summarize the diseases found in golden hamsters and to sort them according to organ systems affected. 31 golden hamsters were examined and dissected. All the data’s have been collected regarding aetiology, anamnesis, clinical signs and necropsy findings.en_US
dc.titleCause of the death of the golden hamsteren_US
dc.title.alternativeLiterature review and necropsy evaluation of pathological findings of golden hamstersen_US

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