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dc.contributor.authorGunnulfsen, Helena Maria
dc.description.abstractAs our aim was in this study was to demonstrate that 4th generation fluoroquinolones appears to be more beneficial and efficient in the medical treatment of P.aeruginosa infections, than 2nd generation fluoroquinolones. In other words, our aim was to prove that gatifloxacin is of better use than marbofloxacin, due its antibiotic activity and properties. By performing a 9-days serial-passage of P.aeruginosa in broth we were able to determine the level of resistance by evaluating bacterial growth. It is important to increase awareness of the frequent use of antibiotic agents, as overuse can lead to development of resistant strains, thereby affecting in both human and veterinary health.en_US
dc.titleComparison of Antibiotic Resistance Development against 2nd and 4th generation Fluoroquinolones in P.aeruginosa of Canine originen_US

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