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dc.contributor.authorHaadem, Kristin Hjelmaas
dc.description.abstractFeline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), a part of the feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) complex and is usually a self-limiting disease diagnosed in about two-third of the FLUTD cases. There is evidence that the increase of the water intake of cats with FIC can decrease the recurrence of acute episodes of cystitis. Our hypothesis was that cats that are consuming less water and by that are having a higher urinary specific gravity are more predisposed to show episodes of FIC. The data included in this study were collected from 20 cats (age 6.2 +/- 3.6 years, weight 4.7 kg +/- 0.95) which met the criteria for an FIC diagnosis and fit all the criteria for the inclusion in this study (presence of routine urine examination, negative urine culture and presence of ultrasound examination of the urinary bladder). The data were collected from the journals of the 20 FIC patients examined at the Small Animal Clinic at The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest and reviewed in a retrospective study.en_US
dc.titleMeasurement of urine specific gravity in cats diagnosed with feline idiopathic cystitis compared to healthy catsen_US

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