Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Különböző eljárással tartósított nedvesen roppantott kukorica etetésének hatása tejhasznú tehenek tejtermelésére
Kísérletünk célja a nagymennyiségben etetett, két különböző eljárással tartósított (Biocrimp vs. Kemisil) nedvesen roppantott kukorica hatásának vizsgálata volt tejhasznú tehenek tejtermelésére. A kísérlet során 3 hónapon ...
The metabolic profile test as a tool for herd diagnosis of subclinical metabolic disorders in dairy cows
The aim of the study was to reveal how metabolic profiling can be used to diagnose feeding and management related subclinical metabolic disorders on a large scale dairy farm. In my literary review I looked at the historical ...
Long term effects of mastitits control programmes in a dairy herd
Mastitis is a poly-factorial disease of dairy herds. The pathogens infect the animal by invading the udder and causing inflammation of the tissue. This results in deterioration of the quality and quantity of milk. These ...
Occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of hoof diseases in dairy cattle
Hoof diseases in dairy cattle is an increasing problem as can be seen in the number of research projects all over the world. It influences a farm in more than one way, and has a considerable economic impact. Many factors ...
A study of hoof diseases in dairy cattle
Hoof diseases are a considerable problem from both an economical and animal welfare point of view. It leads to decreased production and reproduction performance and is a common cause of early culling. The causes of hoof ...
Comparison of the effect of feeding of crimped corn grain harvested with high moisture (about 30%) preserved by organic acid vs. crimped corn preserved by additive containing L. buchneri on the rumen fermentation, energy, protein and acid-base metabolism of high producing dairy cows under field condition
The aim of the study was to measure the effect of feeding crimped corn grain harvested with high moisture (about 30%) preserved by organic acids (trade name Kemisil) vs. crimped corn preserved by additive containing L. ...
Occurrence rate of subclinical metabolic diseases in peri-parturient dairy cattle
As I am from a farming back round, and would like to work as a cattle vet, I feel that by doing this thesis it will allow me to give fundamental advice regarding Herd Health, Nutrition and Management. As I have seen a lot ...
Tőgyegészségügyi felmérő vizsgálat egy holstein-fríz tehenészetben
A tőgygyulladás tejtermelő tehenészeti telepeink egyik legnagyobb gazdasági kárt okozó megbetegedése, az egy érintett állatra jutó átlagos veszteség irodalmi adatok szerint évente közel 25-30 ezer forint. Ezért, valamint ...
Effect of feeding of XTRACT(TM) on the acid-base metabolism and ruminal fermentation in high producing dairy cows
In this experiment the administration of XTRACT™ resultet in an increase in the concentration of acetate. This is the opposite result of various experiments performed on the effect of plant extracts containing cinnamaldehyde ...