Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Restlessness behavior, heart rate and heart rate variability of dairy cows milked in two different systems: comparing automatic milking system and conventional milking parlour : Preliminary results
The aim of the study was to assess the stress responses of the dairy cows when the milking system was switching from conventional to robotic milking on the farm. The study was conducted over a period of 3 months, and ...
Measuring welfare quality in loose and tied housing in Norwegian dairy cows
The aim of this thesis was to highlight the different factors playing a part of the two different
housing systems regarding dairy cattle; tie-stall and loose housing barns in Norway. Several
aspects of the discussion ...
Exploring genetic variation in disease resistance among cattle herds with reference to bovine mastitis and bovine tuberculosis : a literary review
It is clear that we are just at the beginning of understanding the contribution of
genetics and genomics to disease in cattle. Despite many difficulties that lay ahead,
identification of the genes and mutations responsible ...
A szénhidrát- és zsíranyagcsere zavara tejhasznú tehenekben
Szakdolgozatom célja a vizsgált tejhasznú tehenészetben előforduló
klinikai/szubklinikai anyagforgalmi zavarok előfordulásának és okainak vizsgálata.
Az első vizsgálat (2013. március 11., I.) laboratóriumi vizsgálatainak ...
Monitoring of Hoof Diseases in a Hungarian Dairy Cattle Herd
Hoof and leg problems are an increasing and very expensive problem especially in the intensive dairy productions all over the world. Not only is the pain caused by bad hoof health a major welfare problem, but several studies ...
Study on Mineral Metabolism of Dairy Cows
Macrominerals as well as trace elements take part in important processes in the body and have regulative functions. Sodium, potassium and chlorine keep the cation-anion equilibrium in in balance, calcium builds up the bones ...
Relationship of BCS, Milk Production, and Metabolic Parameters on Reproductive Success in Holstein Friesian Dairy Cows in Hungary
The dairy industry’s profit is dependable on the dairy cows ability to produce high milk yields while reproducing efficiently. Cows undergo dynamitic metabolic changes during late pregnancy and through to the peak of ...
Prototheca zopfii alga környezeti előfordulásának vizsgálata tejelő tehenészetekben
My thesis theme was stock screening and environmental assessment in 4 dairy cattle farm, which was carrying out a large number of mastitis caused by P. zopfii. Samples were taken at different time points, and then subsequently, ...
Feltárt lenmagdara etetésének hatása a tejhasznú tehenek anyagforgalmára és egészségére
Szakdolgozatom célja a takarmányozással összefüggő, az állatok egészségi állapotát, szaporodását és a termelését károsan befolyásoló anyagforgalmi zavarok előfordulásának és állományon belüli elterjedtségének megállapítása, ...
The effect of environmental factors on the occurence of hoof diseases in Irish dairy cattle herds
Lameness and hoof diseases are on-going problems that affect every herd owner in Ireland to some extent. From this study I have seen the impact that the environment in which the cow is living, has on the health status of ...