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dc.contributor.authorLarsen Brenden, Andrea
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to review the current published data about chronic kidney disease (CKD) in horses and to describe seven clinical case reports of CKD referred to the Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest between 2015 and 2017. The seven horses diagnosed with CKD are described in detail, and the findings are discussed in connection with previously reported cases. Seven horses ranging from 4 to 16 years of age (five geldings and two stallions) were admitted to the Department and Clinic of Equine Medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest between 2015 and 2017. All seven horses had a history of weight loss of variable duration. Three of the horses had a history of partial or complete anorexia and two of these horses were also lethargic. Polyuria and polydipsia were present in one horse and exercise intolerance was a complaint in another. Mild ventral oedema was also present in one case. Hypoalbuminemia and severe proteinuria were also present in this horse which is consistent with nephrotic syndrome. The clinical signs observed in these cases are frequently reported in previous literature and chronic weight loss is the most common finding (Schott II, 2010b).en_US
dc.titleChronic Kidney Disease in Horses: Seven Clinical Case Reportsen_US

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