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dc.contributor.authorHarju, Ilona
dc.description.abstractFinnhorse is the only horse breed developed in Finland and it’s hard to imagine Finland without Finnhorse. Without it so many things would have not happened; the fields would not have been cultivated, the forest would have been neglected, roads do not build, and taxes not paid. Due to the industrial revolution on agricultural field, Finnhorse was on the edge of extinction but is qualities as multipurpose horse have risen its status and restored its future. The definition of Finnhorse is like a student that did well in school: It’s multifunctional, strong, agile, fast, durable, lively, reliable, alert, cooperative, honest and obedient. It is the fastest cold-blooded horse in the world with a record time of 1,20,4. Finnhorse can show it’s though nature in drafting test or get rewarded in high level dressage or show jumping competition. According to the breed standard the Finnhorse is a 156 cm high, versatile all-round horse. It has many colors, but the main colors are chestnut, bay and black. The Finnhorse has often white markings on the face and the legs. It has elastic movements, good self-carriage and it’s of a fairly solid build. It has a reliable and obedient temperament; it is energetic and always tries its best. For the first stud books for the Finnhorse it was evaluated according to its appearance. Now a days Finnhorses conformation is important and we put more value to its performance and nature than before.en_US
dc.titleGenetics and breeding strategies of Finnhorseen_US
dc.title.alternativeReview of literatureen_US

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