The effect grilling may have on the carcinogens compound levels of various fish
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of heterocyclic amines in both red and
white fish meat after the exposure to different temperatures at different time intervals. The
yellowfin tuna loin and the cod was chosen in order to get a good representation of results,
based on its high yearly consummation rate. The main heterocyclic amines in our study were
the thermic HCA´s MeIQx, 4,8-DiMelQx and PhIP, and the pyrolytic amines harman and
For our experiment to be successfully contributable to the literature, we had to compile a
comprehensive assembling of literature. There was a vast array of literature on the topic of
heterocyclic amine formation in cooking of red meat and white meat, but considerably less
about fish. Our aim was therefore to contribute to the comparative evaluation of white and red
fish meat to the already existing articles on the topic.
Our measurements of the composition of the previously mentioned thermic and pyrolytic
amines were conducted through a serious of several steps. We used the fish exposed to the
various temperatures and time intervals to ascertain the presence of HCA’s. The LC-MS/MS
technique was used to finalize our series of experiments. This comprehensive analytical method
allowed us to merge the capacities of the liquid chromatography to separate our solutions and
the abilities of the mass spectrometry to analyse our data.