Now showing items 1-10 of 55
Az anti-Müller-hormon (AMH) mennyiségének összefüggése a petefészekképletekkel és a petesejttartalék kimerülésével kancában és tehénben
The main role of AMH is to induce the regression of the Mullerian duct during the
male sexual differentiation. However, in females, AMH is not expressed during
the period of sexual differentiation, this guarantees the ...
A vakcinázás hatékonyságának és a malacok maternalis immunitásának vizsgálata egy hazai nagyüzemi sertésállományban
Background: In commercial pig farms, lowering the costs associated with
treatment of clinically sick animals and avoiding losses caused by subclinical
diseases are prerequisites of efficient production. Apart from ...
A hazai állatorvosok növényismerete: út egy toxikológiai adatbázis megalapozása felé
Knowing poisonous plants is essential for both small and large animal vets. Some
European countries already have a governmental “Poison Centre” collecting data
on phytotoxicoses. However, such data have not been ...
Állattartási szokások és az állattartók motivációi Magyarországon
Background: In the past few decades the animal keeping culture and habits
have changed a lot internationally, some animals have become family members.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented situation in the ...
A sertés intradermalis vakcinázása Irodalmi összefoglaló
The first generation of electronic devices for needle-free intradermal (id.)
vaccination became available for the farm practice at the end of the 20th century.
The wider uptake of this technology dates back to the last ...
Kannabidiol (CBD) alkalmazása a lógyógyászatban 2. rész Irodalmi összefoglaló
In this paper, the latest literature of the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in equine medicine is summarised by the authors, including the pharmacology of cannabinoids, safetiness of their use, experiments in pharmacodynamics and ...
Mikroszatellita-markerek tesztelése dámszarvasok egyedi azonosítása céljából
Background: The fallow deer (Dama dama) represents a significant game
management value in Hungary due to its game meat and antler trophies.
Unfortunately, traffic accidents and illegal activities, such as poaching or ...
PRRS szempontjából „Mentes vakcinázott (MV)” minősítésű nagylétszámú, fialástól a vágásig típusú sertésállomány létrehozása
Background: One of the biggest challenges in the eradication of PRRS in
Hungary’s pig herds was the eradication from large-scale farrow to finish farms.
Among the methods used for this purpose, the depopulation-repopulation ...
Perspektívák a csirkeantitestek immunoassay-ben történő használatához a mikotoxinexpozíciós szintek kimutatására Irodalmi összefoglaló
The exposure of animal or even human populations in contact with natural and/ or anthropogenic impacts is becoming more and more frequent and significant. These environmentally harmful substances, such as mycotoxins, are ...
Angol telivér versenylovak csüdízületének kórképei 2. rész: Az ízület és a csontos képletek elváltozásai
The metacarpo- and metatarsophalangeal joints of Thoroughbred racehorses are affected by a range of diseases of different etiopathogeneses. Bone maladaptation and special biomechanical factors contribute to the development ...