Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Az ökológiai szemlélet a bivalytenyésztésben 

      Krausz, Dóra (2013-07-05)
      The ecological approach in breeding is becoming more and more common and popular these days. This can be seen as domestic breeds feel more comfortable in their natural environment, thus they can produce fine quality ...
    • Génmegőrzés az állattenyésztésben 

      Vörös, Balázs Zoltán (2013)
      Many mammal and poultry species have become endangered or reached the edge of extinction. Due to the rapid increase of the population large quantities of food products have to be produced. This may only be achieved by ...
    • New trends in feline breeding : (Literature review) 

      Busse, Daniela Jasmin (2014)
      A responsible breeder will first assure that all the environmental circumstances are given for his cats to live in a healthy, stress free environment, with the substantial care he can provide them. He will have good knowledge ...
    • The relationship between coat colours and genetic disorders with emphasis on the Great Dane canine breed 

      Karlsen, Silje (2014)
      Large breeds like the Great Dane are known to be predisposed to diseases like Hip dysplasia, Gastric dilational volvulus, and Dilated cardiomyopathy, which are associated with high veterinary costs, sudden death and low ...