A gyomor- és nyombélfekély megelőzésére és kezelésére szolgáló szerek kutyákban és macskákban
Background: Gastric ulceration is very important in dogs and cats alike, its poten tially fatal outcome renders it essential to know the clinical pharmacology of drugs
used for the management of the disease. The main causes of gastric ulceration are
NSAID and glucocorticoid treatment, liver and kidney disease, dehydration, Addison’s
disease, gastric inflammation and cancer and mastocytoma. The role of Helicobacter
spp. in the veterinary medicine is unclear.
Objectives and methods: The authors summarize the causes and treatment
options of this frequently occurring abnormality, namely gastric and duodenal ulcer ation, in dogs and cats referring to up to date literature reviews and experiences.
Results and discussion: The acid secretion inhibitors are the mainstay of preven tion and treatment of ulceration in the veterinary medicine. This group includes the
traditional Histamine-2 receptor antagonists, like famotidine, and the newer proton
pump inhibitors, like omeprazole and pantoprazole, which have more pronounced
and more persistent activity compared to the previous group. In the presence of
active, bleeding gastric ulceration, the oral administration of a coating agent, like
sucralfate is essential to maintain a good prognosis. The prostaglandin E analogue
misoprostol can be effectively used in the prevention of nonsteroidal anti-inflamma tory drug induced ulceration. Bismuth salts might have a role in coating the stomach
in case of Helicobacter gastritis in humans, and somewhat in animals, combined with
antibiotic treatment in animals with clinical signs and bacterial presence. Antacids,
the chemical neutralizers of hydrochloric acid have only a limited significance in vet erinary gastroenterolog