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dc.contributor.authorPákozdy, Ákos
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 140(8), 451-456. (2018)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY In this „annual mini-review” the most relevant research results in the field of clinical epilepsy in dogs and cats will be presented. The author selected and summarised from 2017 the useful findings from the international literature. The primary aim was to call general practitioner’s attention to the recently published research results on that field. The following important topics will be presented: Idiopathic epilepsy is not rare among the epileptic cats. The new antiepileptic drug, imepitoin, which was developed for dogs, can be successfully used for the treatment of epileptic cats. The idiopathic epilepsy is usually well-controlled by the treatment in cats. Last year a new epileptic gene was identified, which is responsible for the epilepsy in Rhodesian ridgeback dogbreed. Alltogether, there are already three known genes, in dogs responsible for different kinds of epilepsy. Phenobarbital is a well-known epileptic drug, usually will be recommended twice daily. In the light of a new publication, the three times usage can be beneficial in dogs as less adverse effects and better seizure control can be achieved. The combination of the new antiepileptic drug imepitoin with the old phenobarbital may result in better seizure control in monotherapy resistant canine patients. For canine status epilepticus treatment, rectal diazepam can be used even for at home by the owner. A recent study evaluated the intranasal midazolam against status epilepticus, and found more effective than the established rectal diazepam. Reflex epilepsies are rare in dogs, but it occurs. The identified triggers and further clinical data were reviewed. The author hopes that with his work he could facilitate research implementation into the daily practice and the research results from 2017, will be directly beneficial for dogs, cats and veterinarians already today.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleÚjdonságok az állatorvosi epilepsziakutatásban - 2017 „A tavalyi év kutatási eredményeit már ma alkalmazni a praxisban“en_US
dc.title.alternativeNews in the canine and feline epilepsy - 2017en_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 140(8), 451-456. (2018)

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