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dc.contributor.authorTóth, Adrienn
dc.contributor.authorNémeth, Csaba
dc.contributor.authorJónás, Gábor
dc.contributor.authorZeke, Ildikó
dc.contributor.authorCsehi, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorSalamon, Bertold
dc.contributor.authorFehér, Orsolya
dc.contributor.authorSurányi, József
dc.contributor.authorPóti, Péter
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 138(8),495-502. (2016)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY In the study the opportunities to preserve egg products are presented, high lighting the developments of the last 25 years. Thermal and non-thermal preser vation technologies and preservatives for the production of liquid egg products are described. The microbiological risk reduction and influences on sensorial and techno-functional quality of the different technologies are compared. In the article it is shown that the inactivation of pathogens and spoilage microbes is solved with uniformed, very similar technological parameters in industrial con ditions. In turn, several research results are available to develop more effective technologies preserving the original properties.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleA tojáslétermékek tartósításának fejlődése az elmúlt 25 évbenen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of egg product’s preservation in the last 25 yearsen_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 138(8),495-502.(2016)

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