Browsing Clinic for Large Animals by Subject "Szaporodásbiológia"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
(2013-11-06)Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in Holstein-Friesian ... -
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
(2013-05-22)Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in Holstein-Friesian ... -
Intrauterine pressure changes in the post partum Caesarean section cow
(2011)The primary goal of this report was to select and determine a suitable on farm method for future measurements and recordings of intrauterine pressure in Caesarean section Holstein- Friesian cows postpartum, something that ... -
A nyári időszakban végzett prosztaglandin kezelések kiértékelése szarvasmarhában
(2011)Vizsgálatainkat egy közép-magyarországi tejtermelő telepen végeztük, 2010. május és szeptember hónapjai közti időszakban. A telep állományát tiszta vérű és magas vérhányadú holstein-fríz tehenek adják. A vizsgálati időszakban ...